Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Rolls Royce and More-Electric Technology

Jumat, 4 Oktober 2013

Ricky Chan
Program Lead Electrical Power and Control System

Adrian Short
President Director Rolls Royce Indonesia 

No longer makes car
Rolls Royce : Global company, provide power
Rolls Royce adalah perusahaan yang terkenal dengan produk mobil mewahnya. Namun tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa sebenarnya Rolls Royce adalah perusahaan Engineering yang cakupannya tidak hanya pada mobil saja. Saat ini Rolls Royce tidak lagi memproduksi mobil, tetapi Rolls Royce melakukan innovasi yang lebih berpusat pada civil aerospace, defence aerospace, energy dan marine.

How we do business?
Values                 : trusted to deliver excellence
Vision                  : deliver with excellence better power for changing
Strategy               : Innovation

In Singapore

Trent Aero Engine Assembly Facility
Trent Aero Engine Test Unit
Advanced Technology Centre
-          Materials Support Tecnology; look at failures componen
-          Computational Engineering; work with data, developed data, gives information how to react
-          Electro row and control
-          Manufacturing
-          Resources; university (local partnership)

Electrical Power and Control System

-          Advanced electrical machines design
-          Power electronics based power converters devices
-          Packaging desgin protect environtment
-          Fault tolerant with minimal redudancy
-          Sensor and measurement to get feedback from system
-          Equipmenr health monitoring, early degradation detection

More Electric Technology

Boeing 787

Electrical demand?
-          Entertainment system, everyone wants TV, WiFi, games, power socket à require electircity
-          Replacement of existing mechanical à no more sending mechanical
-          User electricity à quite, reduce noise when grounding

Bleed Engine
Pneumatic engine start
Electric start

Fully integrated power and propulsion system, distributed propulsion system, single advanced gas turbine, energy storage, electrically powered fans E thrust.


Challenge : to control emission of CO₂
More-Electric Ships
-          Integrated power and propulsion
-          Electric drive propulsion
-          Electrically driven work system

Reduce power conversion, Eliminate transformers, Advanced reconfiguration

“trusted to deliver excellence”

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